Tag: working mom

Introducing good enough parenting for you now

Stephanie Sackerman is a mom, a former educator and a mindful mom coach. She blends her background as a certified wellness coach, mindfulness teacher, and positive discipline parent educator to support moms to feel nourished, empowered, and confident. She helps […]

How to Prepare Children for Preschool this Year

What parents can do to ease their child’s transition to school. By: Melina Gac Levin, M.S.Ed. This year, the first day of school will look different. For parents and teachers of the youngest learners, those entering preschool programs, this brings […]

Working and Parenting at Home Through the Pandemic

Parenting and working from home through Coronavirus There is no magic solution to the unusual situation we find ourselves in. The outbreak of Covid-19 has put many families into uncharted territory. There are intentions and habits we can put in […]

Thriving as a single parent

We talked to Erica, a mom of a three year old and the owner of a growing business, about single parenthood. She gave us an intimate and honest account of what it is really like and how she makes it […]

Navigating the motherhood identity crisis

For many, becoming a mother is a huge identity shift. We don’t often hear the good stories, and the word “postpartum” is frequently associated with some kind of loss or crisis. We hear phrases like “Motherhood identity crisis,” “Motherhood identity […]

The moving target of balance in motherhood

As I slink out of a dark bed, careful not to disturb the pillows and covers, I turn and take one last look at my sleeping daughters – laid out like football players signaling a touchdown. They are 5 years […]

Radical self care in five simple steps

My personal journey and self care  For the last four months, I set out on a bit of a challenge and adventure with my family involving travel and homeschooling. I learned so much that I wish I knew when I […]