Tag: Wellness

Baby blues or something more?

As a perinatal therapist, I help women navigate the challenges of motherhood starting as early as the first positive test. What I have learned throughout this work, is there are many misconceptions about motherhood, including the experience of postpartum depression. […]

Tis the Season to Eat Healthy & Be Happy Part 1

The holidays are here!  How will you stay sane and healthy(ish) through it all? For many, holidays were always a magical time as a child. There were presents galore, holiday decorations, cookie baking, vacations, smiles and cheer.  Now, traditions and […]

5 tips to build a mindset for fitness success. Master your mind

When I first started my business, I was completely focused on changing lives by providing resources and designing customized programs. What I soon realized is that the heart of what I do is actually centered on coaching, particularly mindset coaching. Why? […]

3 tips to help children manage stress and anger in a healthy way

Let’s face it, we all have stress, especially nowadays, with the pandemic dividing mankind in sometimes not so positive ways. We can’t help but feel disappointed, anxious, depressed, lonely, lost and out of sorts. Children, just like adults, are also […]

Spotting emotional burnout and using art to support wellbeing

Emotional burnout is a term we are hearing more often. With so many external stressors, expectations and demands, we can find ourselves working toward emotional burnout. The good news is that it is both avoidable and treatable.  There are many […]

How to get started with post pregnancy fitness

Post pregnancy fitness is a topic gets a lot of attention.  Social media is full of before and after posts.  Unfortunately, as a woman, it is pretty common to get asked when or how you will get your body back […]

Pelvic floor therapy and your postpartum recovery plan

The pelvic floor supports your body before, during, and after pregnancy.  It is an incredibly important part of postpartum recovery but very few women know about it.  Even less receive pelvic floor therapy.  We spoke with Dr. Sneha Gazi to […]