Our team of top experts follows you from late pregnancy into postpartum, providing high-quality, curated information and nonjudgmental guidance. Topics vary each group and are driven by the members’ needs and interests—so each calendar is unique.
Our first month focuses on building community and confidence. You’ll connect with other members in your group during weekly Zoom hangouts and meet Phoebe’s team of experts. You’ll have a one-on-one call with our birth doula to get personal guidance and review your birth plan. And our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant leads open Q&A sessions every other week.
From the basics of infant care to breastfeeding, pumping, formula and beyond, we’ve got you covered during this period of transition. Sleep can be challenging so we’ll help you develop a plan and offer tips and reassurance that you’re on the right track. You’ll also have your one-on-one post-birth call with our postpartum doula.
Our primary focus this month is on setting schedules, creating boundaries, and your physical and emotional recovery. We cover topics such as sleep schedules, interpersonal skills, pelvic floor therapy, and more.
During this month our main focus is on mental and physical postpartum recovery. Our experts will guide you through the emotional toll that often accompanies postpartum and how to effectively understand and accept the changes happening in your life.
Winter 2022 | for women giving birth December to February
Spring 2022 | for women giving birth March to May
“I’m so thankful I found this wonderful service. They offer a timely calendar of topics that align with what you’re experiencing as a new mother in real time. And experts are available to answer all of your individual questions. I’ll be recommending Phoebe to all of my friends.”