Category: Pregnancy

Coping With Anxiety During Pregnancy and Postpartum

We have all experienced anxiety, uncertainty, a feeling of being overwhelmed and not able to control our thoughts or emotions at one time or another. In the sleep deprived, sometimes stressful transition to new motherhood, these feelings may seem heightened. […]

Getting ready for the post-birth hospital stay

Let’s set the scene: You’re packing your hospital bag. You’re 37 weeks pregnant and feeling like anything could happen at any moment, but you’re also worried that maybe you’ll just be pregnant forever. You’ve washed all those cute little onesies […]

Making a Postpartum Plan

Most people who are pregnant are familiar with the idea of writing a birth plan (or more commonly “birth preferences” since truly, it’s hard to plan how labor and birth will unfold!), but too few parents-to-be think about sitting down […]

Radical self care in five simple steps

My personal journey and self care  For the last four months, I set out on a bit of a challenge and adventure with my family involving travel and homeschooling. I learned so much that I wish I knew when I […]

Expert Tips: Preparing for your birth

Michelle‘s Tips for preparing to become a parent. Becoming a parent is one of the hugest life transitions you will ever experience. Preparing for your birth is like planning a wedding. You spend a lot of time preparing to all […]

Preparing for birth: how a doula can help

Preparing for birth and the role of a birth doula Women have attended other women’s birth throughout the course of history and across cultures. Women have also supported other women, new mothers, in their recovery from childbirth. In a way, […]

Welcoming a baby is wonderful, and a lot of work

Hello baby, you are cute! Welcoming a baby into your family is a wonderful experience! They smell like baby, have teeny tiny feet and love snuggling. Babies are also a lot of work and bringing one home is life-changing. So, Why is […]